About Us



Hoima Catholic Diocese is head-quartered in the municipality of Hoima in the Mid-Western region of Uganda covering the Kingdom of Bunyoro Kitara, home to a variety of people, cultures and ethnicities. The diocese is part of the Ecclesiastical province of Mbarara, Uganda.

Geographically, Hoima Diocese borders with Arua, Gulu and Lira Dioceses in the North, Kampala Archdiocese, Kasana-Luwero and Kiyinda-Mityana Dioceses in the South; Fort Portal and Kasese Dioceses in the South West, and Mahagi Diocese of the Democratic Republic of Congo on its west end. The area of the Diocese is 17,155 square kilometers. It is situated between the Equator and Latitude 40N and Longitude300 and 340 in Uganda. The biggest ethnic group is of Banyoro who speak Runyoro language; and the other ethnic groups in the Diocese are: the Luo, Lugbar and Alur mainly in the North of the Diocese and the Bakiga, Banyarwanda, Baganda in the South of the Diocese.

You will find on this website information about the history, development and role of the Catholic church in this part of Uganda.  The site exposes the Diocese, its Bishops, past and present (the Ordinary, and the Bishop Emeritus), the main functions in the diocese, diocesan statistics, religious communities of men and women with their respective addresses, other institutions including the minor seminary, catechetical centre, health centres, parishes, Catholic schools, centres with resident priests, Diocesan and religious priests with their dates of ordination.

These pages highlight many ways in which we serve God through our service to his people. As you visit our web site, we hope you will understand better the scope of our mission – to live and proclaim the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Perhaps you will want to visit one of our parishes. Perhaps you are looking for a Catholic school or religious education program.  May be you will be inspired to take part in some of our social, pastoral or educational ministries, or to learn more about the teachings of the Catholic Church. We ask you to pray for us as we continue to work with God.

Embedded in this website is an invitation to join us, at least in spirit, in the ongoing mission of spreading the love of God made visible in Jesus Christ to today’s men, women and children. If this website can help to bring out the work we do, connect us with friends all over the world and act as another instrument in the evangelisation of the people of the world, then it will have served its purpose. As you browse the pages, remember to pray for our work and consider yourself fortunate as you  participate in your own way in this mission to bring God’s love to all His people.

Historically, the Diocese of Hoima, whose evangelization was spearheaded by the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers), was erected on 9th August 1965, made up of areas cut from the then Fort Portal Diocese and Lubaga Archdiocese. It started with 7 Parishes, currently they are 42. The first Bishop was Rt. Rev. Cyprian Dr. Kihangire who later became the first African Bishop of Gulu. He died on 1st November 1990. The Rt. Rev. Albert Edward Dr. Baharagate succeeded him on 5th October 1969. He retired on 9th March 1991. He was succeeded by the late Bishop Deogratias Dr. Muganwa Byabazaire who died on 8th February 2014.

The current Bishop, Rt. Rev. Vincent Kirabo Amooti is the fourth in succession. During the time Bishop Byabazaire was challenged by sickness, the Holy See appointed Bishop Lambert Bainomugisha in December 2009 to oversee the administration of the Diocese as Apostolic Administrator.Hoima DIocese is a suffragan of Ecclesiastical Province of Mbarara Archdiocese. About 25% of the entire population are settlers and refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, the Sudan, and other national ethnic groups. Its Patron Saints are: St. Joseph Protector of the Church and St. Andrea Kaahwa.

Laudetur Jesus Christus nunc et in aeternum! Amen. Praised be Jesus Christ now and forever! Amen.