Pastoral Department



A Vocation is understood not only in the sense of a (call) but also as a particular way of serving God and His people. It is a call to every baptized christian to share in the prophetic office of Christ, giving witness to Him by constantly working for the sanctification of the Church. (The duty of fostering vocations falls on the whole Christian Community, and they should discharge it principally by living full Christian lives) (O.T.2).

GOAL:  That Vocations Committee (Ekitebe kya Seminario n’Obunyadiini) be formed right from S.C.C. level to the parish level. The Director of Vocations will guide and coordinate the activities of the communities.



  1. More stress should be put on having legal christian marriages. A good family background is the seed bed of vocations. (cfr. Vat. II 0.T. no. 2).
  2. Family members should have prayers in common and receive sacraments regularly.
  3. Children are to be encouraged to enter Lay Apostolate Movements and get involved in Church’s activities like Mass serving.
  4. Vocations’ Committees should be introduced right from the S.CC. level up to the diocesan one, and one of their objectives shall be consisting in choosing candidates for priestly life and religious life out of merit other than favour and nepotism.
  5. Those Seminarians who cannot afford financially to stay in Seminary, are to be assisted by the Christians where they come from.
  6. To foster vocations in Primary schools, the Priests and Religious should visit the schools if possible in their official dresses.
  7. Members of different Institutes of Consecrated Life (formally known as Religious congregations) and Seminarians should visit schools and Parishes.
  8. When a seminarian or a novice is discontinued the christian community supporting him/her should be informed.
  9. Seminarians on pastoral work should be inspired spiritually, materially, and morally by both Priests and the Christian Community.
  10. The Christians should love their Priests, Sisters, and Brothers and teach their children to do likewise.