MESSAGE OF THE POPE PAUL VI ON THE FIRST WORLD SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS DAY Theme: Church and Social Communication: First World Communication Day We address you, dear brothers and sons, as World Communications Day, which will be held for the first time on Sunday, Seventh of May, (Sunday 7th May 1967), approaches. The Church, realizing

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Each year, through Mother Church, God “gives us this joyful season when we prepare to celebrate the paschal mystery with mind and heart renewed… as we recall the great events that gave us new life in Christ” (Preface of Lent I). We can thus journey from Easter to Easter towards the

MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR THE 53rd WORLD COMMUNICATIONS DAY Dear Brothers and Sisters, “We are members one of another” (Eph 4,25). From social network communities to the human community Ever since the internet first became available, the Church has always sought to promote its use in the service of the encounter between

A REFLECTION ON POPE FRANCIS’ GAUDETE ET EXSULTATE (ON THE CALL TO HOLINESS IN TODAY’S WORLD): A GUIDE TO CHRISTIANITY FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. On April 9 2018, which this year marked the transferred Solemnity of the Annunciation, the Vatican released the latest Apostolic Exhortation from Pope Francis: Gaudete et exsultate: On the call to

THE POPE’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR OCTOBER 2018 ENTRUSTED TO THE POPE’S WORLDWIDE PRAYER NETWORK (APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER) The Holy Father every month entrusts an intention in a particular way to the Apostleship of Prayer, an organization that works to encourage Christians to respond to the Pope’s appeal and to deepen their daily prayer. You can

Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Francis. For August 2018, we join the Holy Father in praying for: Universal – The Treasure of Families: That any far-reaching decisions of economists and politicians may protect the family as one of the treasures of humanity. When speaking of families, often the image

Communication and Mercy: A Fruitful Encounter Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Holy Year of Mercy invites all of us to reflect on the relationship between communication and mercy. The Church, in union with Christ, the living incarnation of the Father of Mercies, is called to practise mercy as the distinctive trait of all that she

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 As I prepare to visit Kenya and Uganda, I send a word of greetings and friendship to you and your families. I look forward to this time we will have together. I am coming as a minister of the Gospel to proclaim the love of Jesus Christ and his message of reconciliation, forgiveness and peace.